It is an emotional world. There
are fifty percent of people who are naturally fixed
in their emotional definition and the other half who
are defined by the first half with emotions that are
not their own. The emotional motor is the strongest
motor and it is running every-thing and everybody. Yet
very few people know anything about their emotions.
They either feel good or they feel bad and they
have very few other words or sensitivities. Emotional
blindness has become such an epidemic that there is
a word for it now and it is classified as a psychological
disorder in the DSM IV-R. It is called Alexithymia
and the prevalence rate is 20% of the population. They
are the unfeeling of the unfeeling.
In these just a few days you will change
your life. You will learn that emotions can be shifted
and surfed without being repressed or controlled. You
will learn about half a dozen different emotions and
how they work: You will know how to go from loneliness
to love and from emptiness to full.
1. The Signal: each
emotion is a message about something you need to know
2. 8 Components: Time Frame-Modality-Involvement-Intensity-Comparison-Tempo-Criteria-
3. The Submodalities: Color-Weight-Temperature-Speed-Taste-Touch-Smell-Sound-Dimension-Frame
4. Generative Chain: steps to take to
go from Frustration to Determination, from Impulse to
5. Self Anchor: how to establish kinesthetic
stimulus-response to access any emotion when you need
1. Surfing the Emotional Wave
I: Riding the Highs & Lows
.. 2
The whole world is Emotionally Defined.
50% of people are naturally
Fixed in their emotional definition and the other half
are defined by the
first half with emotions that are not their own. The
Emotional Motor is
The strongest motor there is and it runs everything.
Yet very few people
know anything about their emotions. They either “feel
good” or they
“feel bad”. Most people feel stuck in their
emotions and helpless that
they can do anything. This group changes all of that.
It shows you dozens
and dozens of emotions and their message and the components
they are
made out of. Change just one component and you change
the emotion.
Emphasis is made on the emotions of Frustration (Generators),
(Projectors), Disappointment (Reflectors), Anger (Manifestors),and
and Blame (Solar Plexus).
2. Surfing the Emotional Wave
II: Shifting Feelings from Here to There
4 da.
Emotions are worth spending more time
on to make sure you “get it”,
that it is installed and practiced enough so that you
can use it in your
everyday life in an easy way without suppression or
control. We talk
about dozens of emotions and practice changing their
components and
submodalities. We particularly practice Generative Chaining,
which is
a way to shift from what you don’t want (Sadness)
to what you do want
(Happiness). We practice Self-Anchoring to access the
emotion of strength.
3. Love and Relationship
I: The Right Person in the Right Way
What is Love and in how many forms does it exists and
in how many
ways can it be found. We look at relationship charts
and the four types of
chemistry: Electromagnetic-Compromise-Dominance-Companion.
We look
at what we need and what the other person needs too
and how to help
each other fulfill all of that. How to be yourself and
be in relationship is
the goal.
4. Love and Relationship
II: Deeper Into the Divine
...2 da.
The Illusion of Separateness and the Magnetic Monopole.
The structure of
Love. Mundane Love & Transcendent Love. Love of
the Self, the Body, the
Other, Humanity & Life. Dreams of Love and Successful
Love. Eternally
Indecisive Love, Earning Love, Perfecting Love, and
Love and Purpose. |